fbpx Tech Partners & Measurement: Why you Should Partner Up


Tech Partners & Measurement: Why you Should Partner Up

Preparing your tech for the Holiday Season already? Now it’s time to proceed to the next step: partnering up with a Tech Partner. Why? A Facebook Marketing Partner & Google Premier Partner such as The Next Ad will offer unique insights and exclusive opportunities. Fancy knowing more? Find them here, just now.

Millie D'Arcangelo

Copy Writer at The Next Ad

Oct 8, 2019

Choosing to work with a Tech Partner will help you develop a specific area of advertising. With The Next Ad, you will access exclusive methods of Automation & Optimisation. This means we’ll help you reach new audiences, establish your presence on media and Search Engines, and achieve any other goals and resolutions you’ve set.

However, that’s not what we’ll focus on in this article, but it’s all about measurement instead. Measuring is a big part of the advertising process, which is why you need to familiarise yourself with the basics. This means you need to answer several questions: in my campaign, what devices are performing best? Which channel or placement is the most effective? What’s the typical customer behaviour amongst my target audience?

And, with the help of a Tech Partner, deep-diving into insights can be a consequence—a positive one—of other solutions & advantages these partners provide you with.

Tech Partners: the Solutions

Partnering up offers several advantages that you wouldn’t get by working alone. The solutions you can access can be answered with the following questions:

  • How can I manage my campaign the best way possible?
  • How can I measure comments and reactions to my ads and analyse customer behaviour?
  • How can I have good-looking ads that will improve my measurement skills?
  • How can I display my products and see which ones perform best?
  • How can I track even the slightest actions that occur on my website?
  • How can I see my insights in an appealing way, both for my company and my customers?

Let’s answer all of these. Just keep reading!

Creative platforms

Create, curate, and deliver content more easily with creative platforms. Access exclusive designs and templates to build adverts that are more valuable for your audience.

What for? Apart from raising the likelihood of obtaining more engagement, this can be potentially useful for testing. Why not create an A/B test with these good-looking ads, and measure which one is more appealing to your audience?

Feeds & Tracking integrations

With Tech Partners, simplify the integration of product catalogues, feeds, and sets. Later on, you can use them for Dynamic Ads, which will serve to show the products that are the most relevant for each user. This will be brilliant to improve statistics regarding product information and sales, e.g. which item/service is sold more, what colour, etc.

Concerning tracking integrations, for Facebook advertising, you can set your pixel up correctly so that the measurement of actions on your website is exact. In the case of Google advertising, the Google remarketing tag will be your solution for this.

Another option for Google advertising is call-out and/or site link extensions. Attract more customers by adding more text to your ad and highlighting offers such as free shipping, discounts, and more.

Lead ad platforms

Store & manage consumer information from lead ads to build relationships with customers and have more meaningful targeting. Likewise, partner up to access simpler ways to create lead ads.


Finally, the most crucial bit: track the performance of your campaigns and perform a thorough analysis of your results. As a Google Premier Partner, The Next Ad offers The Next Ad Analytics, which gives you access to visually appealing statistics, easy to understand, and shareable and customisable templates.

Last but not least . . .

Measurement is one of the most essential parts of the Holiday Season. How are you going to improve your strategy if you don’t have enough insights on customer behaviour, and campaign, ad set, and ad performance? To have a successful campaign in these busy times, get to know your audience, and even more importantly, your own business.

It might sound silly, but being aware of what you sell and the strengths and weaknesses of your business will give your performance a boost. At the moment, there’s so much competition that advertising has become the survival of the fittest. Therefore, for the Holiday Season, being one step ahead will offer you a competitive edge.

This is why The Next Ad is here to help: make the Holiday Season the perfect time for recollecting unique insights and learning valuable knowledge. Go prepare yourself; sign up for a free trial below and deep-dive into measurement! Woohoo!

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